Mihai Nadin .
The end is where we start from
128 Seiten, Hardcover
incl. DVD, € 19,80
ISBN 978-3-939381-09-9
Anticipation occurs in all spheres of life, complementing the physics of reaction with the proactive quality of the living. This book, originally published by Lars Mueller (Baden/Switzerland) in 2003, presents an introduction to the fundamental dimensions of the concept and phenomenon of anticipation in English-German-French parallel texts. Anticipation is shown to define us human beings as creative, adaptive, and inquisitive, and to offer new perspectives in the wide range of sciences from stem cell and genetic research to nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. Nadin’s book is based on more than two decades of research, which recently led to the foundation of the antÉ Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems (www.anteinstitute.org) at the University of Texas at Dallas. With a foreword by Lotfi A. Zadeh, and worked out to the last detail by the renowned designer Uwe Loesch, »Anticipation« is at the same time a provoking book and a singular aesthetic object. An interactive DVD and an internet platform (www.anticipation.info) are integral to the project.