Peter Bøgh Andersen
Frieder Nake
Computers and Signs
Prolegomena to a Semiotic Foundation of Computing Science

(Digital Horizons; Band 3)
2007, ca. 300 Seiten, Brosch.
ca. EUR 34,80
ISBN 3-935025-19-X

Computing science and information technology have matured to a point that makes them indispensable for all strata of society. However, while information technology is in great demand, its scientific base is still lacking an encompassing fundament. Doubt has been voiced whether ist subject matter, concepts, methods, and results elevate computing science to the rank of an independent scientific discipline. – The first paradigm of computer science is computability, just because the computer is the machine for it. But with the mutation of the machine to a medium, interactivity emerged as a second paradigm. Both are in need of a common theoretical foundation. Such a foundation must cater for computability as the instrumental principle, and for interactivity as the medial principle of computers. Semiotics, as the general doctrine of signs, accomodates algorithmic as well as interactive processes. To semiotics, computers appear as tools and as media. – Andersen and Nake extend Charles S. Peirce’s concept of sign to an algorithmic sign. Their book introduces this innovation as a unifying perspective of the core and some applications of computing science in the context of culture. – Andersen has published the first wide-ranging book on computer semiotics in 1990. Nake is one of the pioneers of computer art.
Peter Bøgh Andersen ist Professor am Department für Computer Science (Center for Human Machine Interaction) der Universität Aalborg (Dänemark)

Frieder Nake ist Professor für Informatik mit dem Schwerpunkt graphische Datenverarbeitung und interaktive Systeme an der Universität Bremen.