Norman Smith, Charles Reitz, and Frank Baron:
Preface: The Alchemy of Exile. Ernest Manheim's Venture beyond
Borders and Boundaries
I. Introduction
David Norman Smith: Facing Change and Danger: The Sociology
of Ernest Manheim
II. Concrete Concepts, Communication, and the Public Sphere
Charles Reitz: The Call to Concrete Thinking: Ernest Manheim’s
Zur Logik des konkreten Begriffs
Stefanie Averbeck: Ernst Manheims Träger der öffentlichen
Eine Theorie der Öffentlichkeit 30 Jahre vor Jürgen Habermas
Jean Van Delinder: Ernest Manheim, Social Science,
and the Brown Case
III. Ernest Manheim: Life and Times
Elisabeth Welzig: Ein Mitteleuropäer in der Mitte Amerikas
Tibor Frank: Der Kult des Allwissens im Budapest des Fin de
Elfriede Üner: Entwicklungslinien der Kulturtheorie der
Leipziger Schule (1890–1933)
Frank T. Manheim: Ernest Manheim: Sociologist and Composer
IV. Selected Essays by Ernest Manheim
Beiträge zu einer Geschichte der autoritären Familie (1936)
The Role of Small Groups in the Formation of Public Opinion (1939)
Minority Status as Related to Old and New Types of Nationalism (1940)
Authority and Situations of “Total Risk” (1942)
The Sociological Theories of Hans Freyer:
Sociology as a Nationalistic Program of Social Action (1948)
Perspektiven moderner Musik (1951)
Recent Types of Charismatic Leadership (1953)
Musiksoziologie (1958)
The Communicator and the Audience:
Liberals and Traditionalists in Eighteenth-Century Germany (1964)
Work and Leisure (ca. 1970)
The Social Preconditions of Sociology (ca. 1970)
The Sociology of Knowledge Reconsidered (1972)
Ernest Manheim and Frank T. Manheim:
Rock: The Role and Future of Electronic “Beat” Music (2002)
V. Bibliography
David Norman Smith: Writings by Ernest Manheim, 1928–2002
